English language challenges

 It has been difficult for me to study English online, I think one of the main reasons for this is because it seems to me that the best way to learn English is through conversation and listening, which is difficult to do it by Zoom, either because of connection problems or because of the discomfort of interactions through the cameras. In other way, there are many activities that were very useful, I especially liked the one to comment on photographs and their relationships with each other.

Regarding blogs I think they are very good for several reasons. First of all, it forces you to write about certain issues in English, but maintaining a writing style, since these blogs are registered within a personal platform that has to have some identity. It is also good to be able to read partners blogs that treats the same topics, since this way we can compare different ways of expressing ourselves in English but from the same base. Finally, it seems to me that it is good to encourage creative writing, something that blogs allow in part.

From my English I think I have to improve the conjugation of the verbs, the pronunciation and increase my vocabulary. During the last months, what I use the most English is to try to watch movies without having to use subtitles, this is something that I would very much like to be able to achieve, when you watch movies in your native language you concentrate much more, and achieve that these others are added in different languages, it seems very useful to me.


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